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Our Stakeholders


  • We understand the challenges you face in transitioning to climate-smart practices: lack of technology, information, skilled labor, finance, and markets.

  • Our partner college in your area will coordinate and facilitate action through the hub to improve your access to solutions.

  • Each CoVE hub actively identifies your climate-smart challenges through ongoing interaction and networking with all stakeholders.

  • In collaboration with experts, the hub provides support activities to overcome these challenges, including practical training, expert visits, field visits, networking events, and mobile solutions.

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Click the logo to see the Stakeholders of each College:
Boland College Logo
Lovedale College logo
West Coast College Logo


  • Rennies Farms:  Greenhouse farmer. To advise on best practises. To provide internships for students. 

  • Manyolo Aquaponics:  Information sharing. Best practises as well as showcasing new technology. 

  • ​DV Du Toit Boerdery:  Vegetable farmer large scale. Share best practises and knowledge. Employ students. 

  • Gabriere Blueberries:  Vegetable farmer large scale. Share best practises and knowledge. Employ students. 

  • Labri Farms:  Greenhouse farmer. To advise on best practises. 

  • Viking Landbou dienste oesbeskerming:  Supplier of agri chemicals. Pest and disease consultation and to share knowledge. 

  • Vegtech:  Supplier of greenhouses. To provide internships as well as share knowledge.

  • Dept of Agri:  To share knowledge and to provide the appropriate legislation and guidance.  Internships for students. 

  • BGCMA:  To share knowledge and expertise as well as providing training to staff as well as emerging farmers. 

  • Kaap Agri:  Supplier of agricultural inputs.  Providing internship opportunities for students. 

  • Brandwacht Besproeiing:  Knowledge expert in irrigation systems. Share information with regards soil and irrigation. 

  • Intelligrow: Supplier of agri chemicals. Pest and disease consultation and to share knowledge. Supplier of agricultural inputs.  Providing internship opportunities for students.

  • JAT Fruit: Large vegetable Pack house and retailer in Worcester area. Share knowledge and guidance. Providing internship opportunities for students.

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  • Redsun Raisins:  Transformation and Skills development within the raisin Product sector -Entrepreneurship (Cooperative Establishment)

  • Raisin SA:  Transformation and Skills development within the raisin Product sector

  • ​Dept of Agriculture:  Agricultural Development within the Matzikama Municipal Region

  • The Vine Academy:  Skills Development within the Agricultural sector: Grape Production

  • Weskus Meginasie: Mechanical Services and Repairs to farmers Equipment 

  • Wholesale and Retail Seta:  Funding of Skills Development of Unemployed youth in the Wholesale and Retail Sector

  • TETA: Funding of Skills Development of Unemployed youth in the Transport  Sector

  • Dept of Agri:  Rural Development - Land Reform

  • Western Cape Department of Agriculture:  Agricultural Development in the Matzikama Region.

  • Pieter Mentoor Boerdery:  Primary Producer.

  • African Dream Agri-Product: Primary Producer

Become a Stakeholder!

Join us in this crucial mission.

Together, we can build a greener, climate-smart, and more prosperous horticultural landscape for South Africa.

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